Bengaluru, Oct 19, 2016, DHNS: The city police have decided to share CCTV footage analysis with their counterparts in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala in order to trace the suspects who hacked RSS worker Rudresh to death on Kamaraj Road on Sunday.“We are in close touch with the police in the three neighbouring states as there are reports that the suspects could be hiding there. There was CCTV footage near the hotel where the murder took place, but it did not cover the action. There are over 20 CCTV cameras in the adjoining areas. The footage have given basic details of the suspects and the bike. We have shared information with our counterparts hoping to arrest the suspects at the earliest,” a senior police officer told DH.
The available evidence so far indicates that the murder took place over an old rivalry. There is no evidence to establish that Rudresh’s affiliation to a party or an organisation triggered the murder. However, the police are probing the murder from all angles, he added.
“The police are analysing the murders of Kuttappa and Raju in Madikeri and Mysuru to draw similarities. “We want to know if Rudresh’s assailants were also part of the murders of Kuttappa and Raju. The police would question those who were detained in connection with the two murders in the past if need be,” he said.
The police questioned Rudresh’s two friends who had made last calls to him. The duo had called him up and had invited him to meet them at the hotel. The murder took place minutes after Rudresh reached there. It is not known why the two wanted Rudresh to come to the hotel. Hence, the duo are being questioned, the police said.
Rudresh did not get along well with a few local leaders. He had invited the wrath of the leaders from all parties due to his rapid rise, police said. Rudresh wanted to make it big on the political front. Hence, the police are exploring the political angle to the murder.
A few leaders were opposed to his move of taking out a procession as part of Diwali. He had a fight with them and had vowed to make the procession a big success in Shivajinagar. The police may question a few leaders to ascertain their involvement in the murder, added the police.