New Delhi, Jul 20 2017, DH News: NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind will be the new President of India after he defeated opposition’s Meira Kumar in the Presidential polls. He is all set to become the 14th President of India.
He polled 7,02,044 lakh votes as against Meira Kumar’s 3,67,314 lakh votes. Congress leaders claimed Kumar has polled the highest number of votes by any Opposition candidate in the history of presidential polls.
However, cross voting in favour of Kovind was reported from Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh were reported.
While Meira Kumar did not get a single vote from Andhra Pradesh, Kovind polled 27,189.
The vote shares in each state are as follows:
Andhra Pradesh
Kovind - 27189
Meira - 0
Invalid - 3
Arunachal Pradesh
Kovind - 448
Meira Kumar - 24
Kovind - 10556
Meira Kumar - 4060
Kovind - 22490
Meira Kumar - 18857
Kovind - 6708
Meira Kumar - 4550
Invalid - 3
Kovind - 500
Meira Kumar - 220
Invalid - 2
Kovind - 19404
Meira Kumar - 7203
Kovind - 8176
Meira Kumar - 1792
Invalid - 1
Himachal Pradesh
Kovind - 1530
Meira Kumar - 1887
Jammu and Kashmir
Kovind - 4032
Meira Kumar - 2160
Kovind - 8976
Meira Kumar - 4576
Invalid - 4