Feb 24, 2017: The opening and blessing ceremony of the renovated Koonamkurishu church in Mattancherry is set for today Feb 24, Friday. A major pilgrimage centre, the renovated structure will be blessed under the aegis of Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II.According to John Samuel, general convener of the Koonankurishu Church Development Council and head of the construction project, the church has been renovated in accordance to the 15th century architecture with eco-friendly construction process using compressed soil bricks with no steel and small quantity of cement. “We have used eco-friendly ancient masonry techniques. The church has been renovated using mud bricks. Rammed earth and compressed earthen blocks are the dominant materials in the design process,” he said.
The concept of domes, vaults and arches rose from early symbols of eastern Christianity like Marthoma Cross and finally ending in an altar blessed by a ‘cross of light’, a concept by famed Japanese architect Tadao Ando. The masons engaged in the church renovation were given special training in the construction process using compressed stabilised earth block. Construction process was based on the ancient Nubian technology of arch and vault building without extensive shuttering.
The design of the renovated church is by architect Vinu Daniel of Wall Makers, Kochi. Koonankurishu Church is one of the oldest churches in India and it has played a significant role in the historic event that shaped the leadership of the Malankara Church.
It is home to the holy remains of St George and is visited by pilgrims in large numbers. The church has been built on the land where the historical Koonankurishu Oath took place in 1653. It is considered as the first mass revolt against the Western colonialism in history of India. The footprints of the Persian Prelates, first Catholicos Mar Thoma 1 and other forefathers of the Malankara Orthodox church made the land a hallowed one.
The church was consecrated in 1751, and was renovated later in 1974 under the initiative of the late Metropolitan Yuhanon Mar Severios of Cochin Diocese. It was elevated to Class A category and falls directly under the control of the Malankara Metropolitan. Considering its historic importance, the Holy Synod elevated the status of the church and declared it a historic monument as well as a pilgrim centre.