New Delhi, July 24, 2017: The Bengaluru prison senior officials, who appeared before the members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, admitted that both Sasikala and multi-crore stamp paper scam kingpin Abdul Karim Telgi were given special treatment inside the jail. The committee headed by Bharatiya Janata Party MLA and former home minister R Ashok has asked the officials to submit a report within 15 days.
Earlier on July 10, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of prisons, D Roopa Moudgil, in her four-page report, had said a special kitchen was functioning in the jail for Sasikala, where she has been lodged since February 15 to serve her sentence.
She had also claimed that the AIADMK chief gets special food daily, cooked by special chefs in a special kitchen near the women’s cell. Roopa had also revealed that special treatment also being extended to Abdul Karim Telgi, convicted in fake stamp paper scam. "3-4 convicted prisoners has been allotted to Abdul Telgi for body massage," D Roopa had claimed.
Days after her revelation, the Karnataka government had shunted out Roopa.
An official order said Deputy Inspector General Roopa "is transferred with immediate effect and posted until further orders" as the Inspector General of Police and Commissioner for Traffic and Road Safety. Roopa now took the place of Indian Police Service (IPS) officer A.S.N. Murthy, the order read. Apart from DIG Roopa, the Karnataka government had also transferred four other senior officers including Director General of Prisons (DGP) Satyanarayana Rao who was accused of taking the bribe.
Courtesy: Zeenews