mangalore today

Sex pest Virat Dhoni gets his behind thrashed by girls IT

Sendhwa, MP, JAN 06: A man, curiously named Virat Dhoni, who was accused of sexually harassing girls is reported to have learnt the lesson of his life. He was publicly beaten by teenage girls in Sendhwa district of Madhya Pradesh.



In a report published in Mail Online, the man has been accused of not only sexually harassing girls but also wolf-whistling and cat-calling.

The 23-year-old man would allegedly openly tease the girls and when one of the girls caught him red-handed, he was beaten black and blue. He was asked to bend and all the girls one by one started hitting on his behind in full public view.

The case was further reported to a lady sub-inspector who helped the girls in continuing the punishment.


man-beaten for...

The report also says that Dhoni complained about the beatings in public and said that instead of this humiliation he should have been taken to the court.

"I felt ashamed by standing there while these women hit me. I hadn’t laid a finger on them and it is not a policewoman’s job to decide who is and who is not guilty," Dhoni was quoted as saying.

Judges in a local court supported the cop’s decision to beat him in public.