New Delhi, Nov 26, 2022: As per the latest reports, the accused Aaftab Amin Poonawala in the Shraddha Walker murder case will undergo narco test on November 28. The sources, on Saturday, informed that the test will be conducted in the coming two days.
The Delhi Police, few days back, informed that they have not received DNA test report of the victim’s body. "DNA test report (of victim`s body parts) has not been received by the police", said Sagar Preet Hooda, IPS, Special Commissioner of Police, Law and Order, Zone II.
Sagar Preet Hooda, Special CP (Law & Order) Delhi Police, had earlier informed, "Polygraph test of the accused Aaftab Amin in Mehrauli police station case FIR No 659/22 under section 365/302/201 IPC could not be held today".
Shraddha Walkar murder case is being investigated by Delhi Police. Reportedly, she was strangulated to death by her live-in partner Aaftab. Her body was chopped into 35 pieces and was dumped by Aaftab in the Chhatarpur area of the national capital.
DNA samples of Shraddha`s father Vikas Walkar was collected by Delhi Police on November 16 to match the dumped body parts and blood sample. Notably, it has already been confirmed that blood stains were found in the kitchen of accused Aftab Amin Poonawalla`s flat in Delhi`s Chhatarpur during the investigation.
Notably, Shraddha`s father filed a complaint and registered an FIR against Aaftab Poonawala on November 10 after which he was arrested. Aftab and Shraddha met on a dating site. Later, they moved in together in Chhatarpur. After investigation, it was found out that Aftab killed Shraddha on May 18 and he also read about human anatomy to chop off the body.
As per the sources, the East Delhi Police had found a chopped head and hand in the Trilokpuri area of Pandav Nagar police station in June this year. The development came only a month after Shraddha was murdered.
Courtesy: Zee News