Bengaluru, July 30, 2015: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and his ministerial colleagues have spent in a staggering Rs 7.89 crore on travel allowance alone in the last two years.
According to information obtained under the Right to Information (RTI) Act by an activist from the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (DPAR), the State government has spent Rs 13.8 crore on salary and allowances of the 30 ministers, excluding Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
Except for travel allowance, information pertaining to expenditure incurred on the chief minister’s salary and other allowances has not been made available to the Right to Information activist.
According Bheemappa Gundappa Gadada, the activist who obtained the information, some of the ministers have claimed travel allowance at Rs 20 to Rs 30 per km though luxury cars are available for hire at a cheaper rate of Rs 15 per km.
The topper
Urban Development Minister Vinay Kumar Sorake has claimed the highest pay of Rs 79.42 lakh, including Rs 56.62 lakh as travel allowance in the last two years.
Vinay Kumar Sorake is followed by Textiles Minister Baburao Chinchansur with an amount of Rs 76.29 lakh, including Rs 44.63 lakh as travel allowance and Health Minister U T Khader with Rs 74.09 lakh, including Rs 54.42 lakh for travel.
Interestingly, the travel allowance claimed by Chief minister is about Rs 36 lakh during this period. Revenue Minister V Srinivas Prasad has received the least pay of Rs 22.96 lakh as travel allowance.