New Delhi, May 11, 2018 : The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a plea seeking a probe into the death of actor Sridevi. Petitioner Sunil Singh, in his plea, raised doubts over the circumstances surrounding her death. He alleged that there were insurance policies taken out in her name in Oman, which would be payable only if she died in the United Arab Emirates.
On February 24, Sridevi died of “accidental drowning” in her hotel bathtub after losing consciousness. According to Dubai-based Gulf News, the actor was under the influence of alcohol when she fell into the bathtub and drowned. Her body was embalmed at Al Maktoum Hospital Mortuary before it was released for transportation to Mumbai.
The actor was in Oman to attend a wedding in the Kapoor family. While her husband Boney Kapoor returned to India, Sridevi chose to stay back for a few days after the marriage. When Kapoor flew back to Oman to surprise his wife, he discovered Sridevi lying unconscious in her hotel bathroom.
Sridevi was given with full state honours in Mumbai before her body was consigned to flames at the Vile Parle Seva Samaj Crematorium.