Hyderabad, May 26: After scaling Mount Kilimanjaro, a 20-year-old man from Ibrahimpatnam village in Telangana’s Ranga Reddy district has now reached the peak of Mount Everest.
While his financial condition was not good, Amogh Tukaram was interested in climbing mountains since he was 17 years old and hence took financial assistance from few Telangana officials and went ahead to climb Mount Everest. He reached the peak of Mount Everest on May 22 at 9.15 am.
"My aim is to climb seven highest peaks in seven continents and as part of this, I have already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and now on May 22 I reached the peak of Mount Everest. I just want to make my nation proud. My financial condition was not good, so I have taken financial assistance from few officials like Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh Bhagwat, Telangana Tourism Commissioner Sunita Bhagwat IFS, Ramchandru Tejavat Advisor to Telangana government and others and I have finally made it," Mr Tukaram said while speaking to news agency ANI over the phone.
He added, "I started my journey on April 6 and two of my team members died in front of me due to bad weather, but it didn’t stop me from climbing Mount Everest. I am very happy that I have reached the peak safely and made my nation proud.
"Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Police Commissioner congratulated Tukaram for his achievement and said, "I have faith in him and that was the reason we have extended financial assistance to him."