Firozabad, Aug 29, 2022: A seven-month-old boy abducted from next to his sleeping parents at the Mathura railway station was reportedly traced to the house of a BJP corporator in Firozabad, officials said on Monday. According to media reports, Municipal Corporation Councilor, identified as Vinita Agarwal and her husband Krishna Murari Agarwal, were arrested by the police on the charges of buying the infant for Rs 1.8 Lakh from two doctors as they “wanted a son."
The infant’s kidnapping from platform number 9 of Mathura Junction railway station in the early hours of August 24 was captured on CCTV and later went viral on social media. The video shows a man walking past a family sleeping on the Mathura station platform. After carefully looking around, he stealthily approaches, picks up the child and races in the direction of a train waiting on the platform. A case was registered under relevant sections.
ये व्यक्ति रे०स्टेशन मथुरा जं० से अपनी माँ के साथ सो रहे महज 7 माह के बच्चे को उठाकर ले गया।
— SACHIN KAUSHIK (@upcopsachin) August 27, 2022
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The police said the man caught on the CCTV has been identified as Deepak and was arrested by the police. The accused Vinita Agarwal and her husband Krishna Murari Agarwal have said that they had a 12-year-old daughter and no son and claimed they had adopted the infant unaware that he was stolen or abducted by Deepak.
As per reports, eight people involved in the racket have been arrested.