Chennai, July 09, 2022: After South superstar Vikram was hospitalized in Chennai ahead of the big teaser launch of his forthcoming film Ponniyin Selvan, his son shared a statement debunking "false rumours" about his father’s health. Vikram did not suffer a heart attack as several reports have claimed, the statement posted by Dhruv Vikram said. The actor, 56, is being treated for "mild chest discomfort" and is likely to be discharged from hospital in a day. Dhruv Vikram also asked for privacy in the statement. "Dear fans and well-wishers, Appa had mild chest discomfort and is being treated for the same. He did not have a heart attack as reports falsely claim. We are pained to hear rumours to this effect," the statement read.
In his statement, Dhruv Vikram added, "That being said, we request you to give our family the privacy we need at this time. Our Chiyaan is fine now. He is likely to be discharged from the hospital in a day. We hope this statement provides clarity and trust that the false rumours will be put to rest."
On the work front, Vikram starred in Karthik Subbaraj’s directorial Mahaan, in which he shared screen space with his son and actor Dhruv Vikram. The film premiered on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video.
The actor will next be seen in Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus Ponniyin Selvan, a period drama is based on Kalki Krishnamurthy’s popular historical novel Ponniyin Selvan (The Son Of Ponni). The film also features Karthi, Trisha Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, Jayam Ravi and Aishwarya Lekshmi among others and it is being produced by Lyca Productions.
He will also be seen in Cobra, which is being directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu and it is slated to hit the big screens on August 11.