Mandya, Aug 13, 2022: A video of a Karnataka woman rescuing her child from a cobra in the nick of time has gone viral on social media. The incident is from Mandya district in Karnataka, and shows a child inadvertently stepping very close to the cobra at the foot of the door, before he is whisked away by his mother just in time.
The incident was reported from Chamundeshwari in Mandya district.
Her presence of mind saved the kid..
— Anu Satheesh 🇮🇳 (@AnuSatheesh5) August 12, 2022
Mother ❤️
But be safe all, this is an eye opener to all
The video of the incident shows the child and his mother, who has been identified as Priya, step out of the door of their home. Two steps at at the foot of the door, and the boy does not realise that there is a cobra slithering by at the foot of the second step. He unknowingly steps down, and his foot is centimetres away from the cobras head. The cobra, realising a human is nearby, recoils but lifts up its hood in self defence. Just then, his mother notices the cobra, and she seems to have exclaimed, for the child tries to run back inside, and instead, finds himself face to face with the cobra. The mother acts immediately, and whisks up her child, holds him up on his shoulder, and runs to safety. The cobra too, manages to slither away.
Speaking to the media, the father of the child, Vishnu Prasad, said that he heard his wife scream, and when he ran out, he saw that she had saved him. “The kid would have been bitten but somehow she has saved him,” Vishnu said, adding that the cobra has been spotted many times in the area before this.
The CCTV visuals went viral on social media and the mother, Priya, has been hailed for her bravery and quick thinking.
Courtesy: The News Minute