Jammu, Jul 4, 2015: In a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly stripped naked by a gang of five persons, including an Army jawan, in Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir and the video of the incident uploaded on the internet, police said today.
"A woman was stripped in full public view by five persons in Jaganoo area of Udhampur. The accused caught the incident on mobile phone camera... it has gone viral on Whatsapp," Udhampur District Commissioner said.
Police took suo moto cognizance of the incident and arrested three persons. One of the accused is believed to be an Army jawan, he said.
The woman was riding pillion on a motorcycle. The gang intercepted the bike and started misbehaving with her. When she resisted, the accused overpowered her and stripped her in full public view, the District Commissioner said.
Police have resgistered a case in the incident and a probe is underway.