New Delhi, April 21: Utsav Bains, a Supreme Court lawyer, said that an unidentified man approached him with a bribe of around Rs 1.5 crore to organise a media conference and "frame" the CJI Ranjan Gogoi by representing the former Supreme Court staffer who has levelled allegations of sexual misconduct against him.
Utsav Bains claimed that he had been offered a bribe to help frame CJI Ranjan Gogoi in a sexual harassment case
He said that the man, who offered him a bribe, claimed he was a relative of the woman who had accused Asaram Bapu of rape
Utsav also said that he was convinced that there was a larger conspiracy to make CJI Ranjan Gogoi resign
Utsav Bains, a Supreme Court lawyer, has claimed that the sexual harassment case against Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi was a conspiracy to remove the judge from office.
Utsav Bains further said that an unidentified man approached him with a bribe of around Rs 1.5 crore to organise a media conference and "frame" the CJI at the Press Club of India, as well as to represent the former Supreme Court staffer who has levelled allegations of sexual misconduct against Gogoi.
In a Facebook post, Utsav Bains said: "I was offered bribe to help frame CJI in the sexual harassment case by lawyering and organising a press conference against the CJI for the ex-SC staffer who has accused the CJI of sexual harassment just a few days back and also specifically asked to organise a press conference only at the Press Club of India."