Feb 27, 2017: One of the most prestigious film awards ceremony - the 89th Academy Awards is being held at Hollywood`s Dolby Theatre. The gala event attended by the who’s who of Hollywood is being hosed by late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.
’City of Stars’ from ’La La Land’ bags Best Original Song.
Scarlett Johansson is on stage to present the award for Best Original Song.
The award for Best Original Score goes to Justin Hurwitz for ’La La Land’.
Samuel L. Jackson is on stage to present the next set of awards.
Emma Watson and Ryan Gosling are on stage announce John Legend’s performance.
The trolls online are being "acknowledged" by celebrities. They are reading out mean tweets!
Meryl Streep announces Best Cinematography award. Linus Sandgren bags award for ‘La La Land’.