Aug 24 2017, DH : A 14-year-old boy has sent ripples through the web of the social media, gaining overnight popularity for a dance. However, it is not the dance itself that made him popular, it is where he danced: Saudi Arabia.
In a video shot by user Ahmed Al Omran, and posted on Twitter, the clip shows the boy, wearing striped shirts and Crocs, dancing and waving around to the tune of the hit ’90s pop song by a Spanish duo. The video caption says ’Jeddah boy dancing in the middle of Tahlia Street is the hero we need’. At the time of writing, the video has 4,019 retweets and 6,319 likes.
The boy was subsequently arrested by the Saudi police for ’improper public behaviour’ and disrupting traffic. However, according to reports, the boy was let off with a warning and a pledge signed by his guardians that he will not engage in potentially harmful activities again.
Saudi Arabia, an orthodox Muslim country, has traditionally banned Western music and dance, but the current Prince, Mohammad bin Salman, has pushed for reforms in the matter.
The video itself is filled with comments, both either chastising the boy for his action, or praising him. One user even commented on the sheer nature of comments on the thread, with Omran joining them, accepting the user’s conclusion.