Telangana, July 03, 2017 : In a tragic incident, two men from Nizamabad drowned in Kuntala waterfall in Telangana. They accidentally slipped into the water while taking selfies on Sunday, the police said. The two have been identified as Ansar and Faizan. While Faizan’s body has been pulled out, the police are hunting for Ansar’s body with the help of expert divers.
A group of four friends from Adilabad were visiting the waterfall. As they were clicking photographs while standing on a slippery spot, two of them fell into the water.
According to the police, Ansar was a mechanic and Faizan studied at a college. Whether the incident took place at a spot where visitors weren’t allowed or if there wasn’t adequate security staff to handle the situation is unclear.
A case has been registered. The police are investigating the matter and the families have been informed.