mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


200 Vehicles Seized By Hyderabad Police Gutted in Fire

Mangalore Today /ITV

Hyderabad, Jan 19 : At least 200 vehicles seized by the police have been gutted in a major fire that broke out in the Goshamahal Stadium in Hyderabad  on Wednesday.
No casualties have been reported in the incident. A burning garbage dump in the vicinity is said to have caused the  fire.

Vehicle seized -fire

Vehicles parked in the stadium caught fire as flames quickly spread from the garbage dump. A few fire-tenders were pressed into service and the fire could be put out only after a few hours.
According to an estimate, at least 200 vehicles were completely gutted in the incident even as the police put the figure at 60.
The city police have been using the Goshamahal Stadium as a yard to park seized vehicles.
 Some of the vehicles have been lying there for the last nine years as the police failed to auction the unclaimed vehicles. City police commissioner A K Khan has ordered an inquiry.

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