In the house of 20-year-old Majid Khan, a bright student and a promising footballer who joined...
In a heist that could easily be mistaken for a movie plot, a group of robbers...
In yet another case of a personal electronic device (PED) emitting smoke after....
An inmate of Rohtak jail who is out on bail currently said on Tuesday that he has never seen.....
A young woman in Chennai died after she was set on fire at her home last night, allegedly...
It has taken a handful of students to give the often smelly and discarded used edible...
Rs 1400 crore in unaccounted wealth has been unearthed during raids carried out on premises....
It’s a historic move, Saudi Arabia has invited Lebanon’s Catholic patriarch Beshara Al Rai....
Architect Shigeru Ban, 60, has been selected as a winner of the Mother Teresa Memorial....
Late Nobel laureate and physicist C V Raman’s house was targeted by a gang....
A police officer in Telangana lies face down in his undershirt as he gets a massage from....
Two unidentified militants were killed in a brief encounter with security forces in Rajwar...
A dreaded gangster’s recent confession of a murder committed by him....
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today held wide-ranging talks with US President Donald....
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday assured agitating doctors that the State....