Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a long list of pro-growth measures to implement over the next four months
The all-powerful, self-styled godman Rampal on Thursday stood like a petty criminal, holding the iron bars of the lockup in a police station....
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday instructed the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) to crack
Expressing serious reservations against holding the “Kiss of Love” campaign in the City, Kannada & Culture Minister Umashree...
As the day of canonization of Father Kuriakose Elias Chavara approaches fast, his native village of Kainakari in Kerala’s Kuttanad region....
The 17th Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St Francis Xavier will be a multifaceted spiritual experience, and a unique exhibition
In a suspected case of honour killing, a 21-year-old Delhi University student was strangled by her parents, who later allegedly
A 33-year-old PhD scholar from Manipur was found murdered with his neck slashed at his home in south Delhi’s Kotla
Satlok ashram supremo Rampal’s followers and militia tried, but in the end a joint team of paramilitary forces and Haryana Police
The five Indian fishermen, who were sentenced to death on charges of drug trafficking and released by the Sri Lankan court yesterday
Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned home today after a nine-day-three-nation tour of Myanmar, Australia
The Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) has welcomed government’s decision to send an official delegation to the Vatican
aryana Police Wednesday confirmed that five women and a child have died during the stand-off between controversial sect leader
Seven members of a gang arrested this week in Mumbai were reportedly planning to target primary players in Bollywood
Expressing confidence over BJP accomplishing its ambitious ’Mission 44+’ in the Jammu...