A 14-year-old girl from Manipur was allegedly raped by her landlord’s 18-year-old son in Delhi last night.
A major political controversy has erupted over CBI director Ranjit Sinha’s remarks
Rahul Gandhi attacked his arch rival Narendra Modi who is known to flaunt his modest beginnings as a tea seller
CPI-M veteran V S Achuthanandan’s letter to CM, supporting RMP leader KK Rema’s demand for a CBI probe
The controversial bill that creates a new state of Telangana by bifurcating Andhra Pradesh has been cleared by the cabinet.
The Indian embassy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has warned foreigners against falling prey to online visa scamsters
An Air India passenger plane takes off from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahmedabad.
The Congress and BJP in Karnataka have almost finalised their first list of candidates for the Lok Sabha elections.
A rape survivor was gunned to death by unknown people in court in western UP’s Mathura district
It was a struggle for survival that last for 13 hours. But all attempt to save the tusker which got trapped in the marshy land
CBI officials raided two mining companies and the house of a mining firm owner in Bellary.
A special MCOCA court today remanded Indian Mujahideen (IM) co-founder Yasin Bhatkal and his aide Asadullah Akhtar in ATS custody
Former Gujarat Intelligence Bureau chief Rajinder Kumar has been charged with murder
Both the Houses were disrupted as members created uproar over creation of separate Telangana state, harassment of Tamil...
A Kashmiri youth from a remote village of the Valley has won approval for two of his projects from NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre