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4 college students die after speeding car falls into ditch in Chikkaballapura

Chikkaballapura, Dec 10, 2023: Four college students died after the car they were travelling in allegedly toppled and fell into a ditch near the highway underpass on the outskirts of Chikkaballapura, police said on Sunday.

The incident took place on Saturday night when the students were heading from Bengaluru to Chikkaballapura to drop two of them.

Chikkaballapura Accident

According to the police, one of the students was driving the car. The accident took place when the driver lost control of the overspeeding vehicle, which overturned and plunged into the ditch.

Three of them died on the spot. One person was greviously injured and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he succumbed to injuries during the course of treatment.

A case was registered and investigation is underway, they said.

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