Bengaluru, Aug 04, 2016: In a shocking incident, a 7-year-old Bengaluru girl was beaten with a leather belt allegedly by her tutor for not doing her homework.
According to reports, the minor, who is a student of St. Joseph School in Nelamangala in the outskirts of Bengaluru, was taking private coaching from this teacher for nearly one year.
The incident took place on Tuesday when the girl went for her tuition class.
Narrating her story to her parents and the policemen, the girl said that her teacher got enraged because she had not done her homework and allegedly thrashed her with a leather belt.
After returning home, the girl showed bruises all over her back to her father, after which a case was registereed with the local police.
The teacher, who was reportedly giving private coaching to students for the last 15 years, is yet to be arrested.