mangalore today
Thursday, September 19


A Journalist Arrested In Israeli Bomb Attack Case

Mangalore Today News Network

New Delhi, March 7, 2012 : A headway was made into the three-week-old Israeli car bombing case with the Delhi Police arresting a 50-year-old man, claiming to be a journalist, for allegedly being part of the conspiracy.

journalist 1The accused, Syed Mohammed Kazmi, who claims to have been writing for an Iranian publication, was picked up after a probe showed that he had been in touch with the suspect who is believed to have stuck the magnetic bomb on Israeli diplomat Tal Yehoshua’s car on February 13, official sources said today.

When asked whether any person has been detained in connection with the February 13 attack, Delhi Police Commissioner B K Gupta told PTI, “We will let you know”.

Kazmi is alleged to have helped the suspect in conducting the recee of the Israeli Embassy to keep a tab on arrival and departures of the diplomats, the sources said.

Police conducted searches at his native place near Delhi, they said.

Israeli diplomat Tal Yehoshua and an Indian driver of the embassy vehicle, was among four people injured in the blast after a magnetic bomb stuck to the vehicle went off.



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