Delhi, Nov 20, 2018 : Asked a tough question by Ranjana, an anchor with Sudarshan News, Bharti lost his cool and asked her to ‘stop doing bh*dwagiri’ and become a prostitute. Bharti was speaking about the incident in which the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal was attacked with red chilli powder by an unknown person, when the unsavoury episode took place.
Even as the TV anchor asked Bharti to maintain decorum and apologise for using vulgar language, he accused her of acting as a middleman for the BJP.
This isn’t the first time that Bharti has found himself embroiled in a controversy. He was earlier accused by his wife of domestic violence, attempted murder and causing a miscarriage without the consent of a woman.
It is indeed sad and shocking that the men who should ideally be setting an example for the public are the ones most lacking in basic etiquette, as was crudely displayed by this AAP leader.