mangalore today
Sunday, September 08


Anna Hazare Dissociates with Prashant Bhushan’s View On Kashmir

Mangalore Today / PTI

Ralegan Siddhi,  Oct 14 : Anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare on Friday publicly dissociated himself and his team from Prashant Bhushan’s views on Kashmir.
"Kashmir was, is and shall remain an integral part of India. Sar kataa sakte hain, par sar jhuka sakte nahin", said Hazare at the press conference.

Anna - bhushan

"Kashmir has been part of India, is still today part of India and shall continue to remain part of India, this is my personal view", said Hazare.
’I had gone to Kashmir valley. The state government there even offered security to me, but I refused and visited the valley. I told them I do not fear death. Sar kataa sakte hain, par sar jhuka sakte nahin’.  All these unnecessary debates (over Prashant’s remark) must now end’, said Hazare.
The anti-corruption crusader said, whatever Prashant Bhushan said was his personal view.
’In a democracy, anybody is free to express his personal opinion. Prashant Bhushan may have his personal view, but this cannot be taken as the view of Team Anna. If he has to say any thing on behalf of Team Anna, he has to take the team’s approval’, said Hazare. ’Team Anna is presently focused on Jan Lokpal Bill and corruption-free India’, Hazare said.
The septuagenarian leader also said, he ’disliked’ whatever Prashant Bhushan said about plebiscite in Kashmir  (Hamen pasand nahin, jo statement unhone diya).
Prashant Bhushan was assaulted by saffron brigade youths inside his Supreme Court chamber on Wednesday for his remark that the people of Kashmir should be allowed a plebiscite over whether they wanted to stay with India or otherwise.
There was also a clash outside Patiala House court on Thursday when some saffron brigade youths basked up supporters of Team Anna.   

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