Kolkata, July 27, 2022: The Enforcement Directorate found another Rs 20 crore in cash at the home of Arpita Mukherjee, a close aide of arrested Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee, days after recovering Rs 21 crore. Officials also found 3 kg of gold, estimated to be worth Rs 2 crore, in the apartment. The money is still being counted.
Last week, ED officials found Rs 21 crore in cash from the house of Arpita Mukherjee. The probe agency had raided the residence of Arpita Mukherjee in connection with an alleged teacher recruitment scam in West Bengal. The recovered amount is suspected to be the proceeds of crime from the scam.
Arpita Mukherjee later told the ED that the mountain of cash recovered from her home belonged to Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee. The money was to be infused in companies linked to her, she told the agency.
During her interrogation, Arpita divulged that the plan was to move the piles of cash out of her house in a day or two. But the agency raids foiled the plan, she said.
Courtesy: India Today