mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Anuj Bidve’s Parents Meet UK MPs, Seek Justice

Mtoday news/ ITV

London, Jan 6 : Anuj Bidve’s devastated father Subhash Bidve  and his wife met Home Affairs Select Committee chairman Keith Vaz here on Thursday for 35 minutes  and sought justice for their son’s murder.

Subhash Bidve told reporters how he sent his son Anuj to study engineering in England because he wanted the best for him.


anuj family kieth vas


Bidve’s parents flew into the UK on Wednesday with Anuj’s mother Yogini and brother-in-law Rakesh Sonawane. The  family has come to take Anuj’s body back to India.

Kiaran Stapleton, 20, of Ordsall, has been charged with his murder.

anuj family

Bidve said: ’It was really unfortunate that I lost my son. But I feel myself as a father this should not happen again because a lot of Indian students come here for their education and they go back to their own countries.

’I humbly request to you all kindly do justice for Anuj and kindly make sure that students who come here for their studies, they have their own studies and go back to their own countries.

’He studied engineering in India in an inner city. He was a very brilliant student and he was working on some core engineering, like in micro-electronic chips engineering.

’He was working on his really special projects and he was very happy staying here and doing his work. He was a very great asset not just to India but the whole globe, that was the kind of work he was doing.


anuj’He was really straightforward, very disciplined, very softly spoken and very friendly to everyone and a very good son to me.’I wanted to give him the best. As a father that’s what I wanted.’

Vaz said he had passed on his condolences to the family during the meeting and updated them on contact he had received from wellwishers since the killing on Boxing Day.

And  Vaz pledged to get a full report on the incidents surrounding the death of Bidve following the completion of the criminal proceedings. He said it was needed to help the family get closure.

He added: ’I have met today Mr and Mrs Bidve and their son-in-law Rakesh, who arrived yesterday from India.

I have met with them at their request. They contacted me a week ago to express concerns about the events surrounding the death of their son Anuj.

’I expressed to them the very deepest condolences on my part and the many, many British people and others who have contacted us following the tragic and senseless murder of Anuj Bidve.

’As a parent myself I cannot imagine the grief that Mr and Mrs Bidve are going through.

’They want to know what happened. They had mortgaged their house, they were due to come to England in September for his ceremony of convocation.

’They never thought they would come in circumstances of this kind. What actually happened on that night? For purely legal reasons they are unable to contact obviously the people who were there on the night.

’But I have promised Mr and Mrs Bidve and their family that once the criminal proceedings have been completed that I will certainly ask for a full report and account of what happened on that night.

Unless they have full information there can never be closure because they simply can’t understand how this has happened.’

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