Kottayam, Oct 15, 2016: Twenty-four years after he lost his life fighting insurgents in Nagaland, Second Lt E Thomas Joseph’s mortal remains were brought to his home town of Kanjiramatttom and laid to rest with full state and military honours in a church there.The remains were taken in a procession to the Holy Cross Church yesterday and prayers were conducted by his family.
Joseph had died fighting Naga insurgents on June 12, 1992 and his body had been buried in a church at Chakabama in Nagaland.
Thanks to efforts by Joseph’s batchmates at the Indian Military Academy, his parents were able to travel to Nagaland and bring back their son’s remains to his home state.
His father Subdedar Major (Retd) A T Joseph and mother Rosamma Joseph were moist-eyed seeing the tricolour draped casket carrying the remains of their son. They kissed the casket, bidding him a final farewell. Military officers were present at the church where the services were held.