mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Autodriver returns Rs 5 lakh left behind by passenger

Mangalore Today / DHNS

Bangalore, Jan 19 : In a good samaritan act, an autodriver promptly returned a bag containing Rs 5 lakh in cash to the police recently.


auto driver returns-5lacsOn January 14, the passenger Pavanacharya travelled in an autorickshaw after drawing Rs 5 lakh from a bank for medical treatment of his brother. He however forgot to take the cash bag while getting down at his residence, police said.

Realising his mistake, Pavanacharya immediately lodged a complaint with the J P Nagar police station, they said. To his amazement, the next morning K Panduranga, an autodriver, came to the J P police station and handed over the cash bag saying it been forgotten by a passenger the previous night.

The bag was later handed over to the complainant. Sonia Narang, DCP, Bangalore South, lauded Panduranga and handed him a letter of appreciation.

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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A. Thu, January-19-2012, 5:21
The whole world is turning as a hot bed of tricks and robbing the innocent and defenseless people. It is a great relief to read very rarely about a honest person who is working too hard to support the family. People like this autodriver must be honoured in the public for such a noble act of pure honesty.
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