Bengaluru, June 10, 2022: BJP MLA Aravind Limbavali has extended his apology to the media and police officials on behalf of his daughter who was caught on camera misbehaving with traffic police officials and journalists after she was asked to stop for jumping a signal.
He said, "I saw the video, she addressed people from the media as ’sir’. If the media is hurt, I apologise on behalf of her. Our family has a good track record."
The MLA’s daughter argued with the police over a traffic rule violation and the police, in turn, showed her the evidence and collected Rs 10,000 fine.
"I want to go now. Don’t hold the car. You can’t put a case on me for overtaking. This is an MLA vehicle. We haven’t driven rash. My father is Aravind Limbavali," she was heard arguing in the video.
Courtesy: India Today