New Delhi, Mar 30, 2023: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Jadab Lal Nath was allegedly caught watching porn during the Tripura Assembly session. The BJP legislator from Bagbasa constituency had explicit clips playing on his phone as a session was underway. This was caught on camera and a video has gone viral on social media.
The incident is not an isolated one and lawmakers, in the past, have been left red-faced after being spotted peeking at porn while in public.
In 2012, under the BJP government in Karnataka, two ministers were caught on camera allegedly watching a porn clip on a mobile phone in the state Assembly while proceedings were on. Later, he reportedly said they were watching the video for "educational purposes and to find out more about rave parties".
The shocking incident involved Minister for Cooperation Laxman Savadi, who was watching the clips, and Minister for Women and Child Development CC Patil, with whom he shared it. In 2019, Karnataka Mahila Congress workers staged protests against the then Deputy Chief Minister Laxman Savadi and urged PM Modi and Amit Shah to sack him.
Recently, Bihar’s Patna Junction railway station made headlines after an adult film replaced advertisements being played on the TV screens installed at platforms for nearly three minutes.
Courtesy: India Today