Bihar, Jan 26, 2017 : Maharajganj Lok Sabha MP Janardan Singh Sigriwal’s constituency representative has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Saran district, police said on Thursday. His body was found this morning at Raghunathpur Ka Mathia village under Manjhi police station, they added. Some people had come in two motorbikes to the house of Keshavanand Giri (60), the MP’s representative for Manjhi block, last night between 10.30 and 11 pm, police said, adding that Giri went with them, never to return.
Manjhi SHO Prabhakar Pathak said the assailants could have been known to Giri as he had not raised an alarm. When Giri did not return, the family members began looking for him and his body was found in the morning from a spot barely 500 metres from his house. Giri had unsuccessfully contested the 2015 Assembly polls as a Hindustan Awami Morcha (Secular) candidate from Manjhi. The HAM(S) had contested the polls in alliance with the BJP. Sigriwal described the killing of Giri as “an outcome of the administration’s utter failure”.
“Our only demand from the government is to ensure the arrest of the criminals who murdered Giri. It has been witnessed in the recent months that the police have not been able to arrest criminals,” the MP told PTI.
Courtesy: Indian Express