Mysuru, Aug 24, 2022: Amid the row with the opposition Congress party that has been questioning promotion of VD Savarkar by the ruling BJP, former chief minister and BJP veteran BS Yediyurappa on Tuesday launched the ‘Veer Savarkar Rath Yatra’ in Mysuru, aimed to be an awareness drive about his contributions and sacrifices.
Yediyurappa, who visited Mysuru for the first time after being nominated to the party’s highest decision-making bodies, launched the ‘Savarkar Rath Yatra’ from Kote Anjaneya temple in the premises of the Mysuru Palace. The rath yatra is being organised by the Savarkar Foundation.
"It is wrong to portray that Veer Savarkar was not a freedom fighter. Only those who do not have an idea of religion and nation can make such irresponsible statements. The statements on Veer Savarkar by Opposition leader Siddaramaiah does not suit his dignity," Yediyurappa said.
"If he (Siddaramaiah) continues to issue statements like this, the people of the state will teach him a lesson. We will propagate (among people) the patriotism of Veer Savarkar. It is going to be a quiet one... we will not gather huge groups," he stated.
The Rath Yatra will pass through Mysuru, Mandya and Chamarajanagar districts and will end on August 30.
Courtesy: The News Minute