mangalore today
Friday, September 20


Bangalore Police On Look Out Of 3 Pak Terrorists

Bangalore, August 19: Acting on an Intelligence Bureau report, Bangalore police are looking out for the three men wanted in connection with the terrorist attack on Delhi Red Fort in Dec, 2000.

Police in Bangalore have launched a massive hunt for three Pakistani terrorists who escaped from police custody in New Delhi in January and are believed to be hiding in the city, reports Mirror.

The trio — Abdul Razzak, Mohammed Sadiq and Rafaqat Ali — were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack at the Red Fort, Delhi, in December 2000. 

Three people were killed in the incident, believed to be perpetrated by the Lashkar-e-Taiba. 

Acting on a dossier from the Intelligence Bureau, the Bangalore police have circulated photographs of the terrorists with all their stations and have also launched a strict vigil at entry and exit points in the city. 

The trio have been on the run since January this year when they fled while being taken to Guru Nanak Eye Hospital in Delhi, escorted by Meghalaya police personnel on deputation with the Delhi Police’s Special Branch.

Intelligence Bureau sleuths have alerted the Anti-Terrorist Cell (ATC) in Bangalore of the possibility of the trio hiding in the city. ATC officials in turn have informed the police.

“Pictures of the terrorists have been sent to all police stations across the city,” an ATC official said.

“We have asked the police to display these pictures at vantage areas and we have asked the public to alert the nearest police station in case any of the three are spotted,” he said.

The trio was nabbed in Rohtak and Delhi in October 2000 along with five other Pakistan nationals. A huge quantity of arms and ammunition, including 17 kg of high-grade RDX as well as 50 kg of heroin were recovered from them.

The three were accused of waging war against the state, attempt to murder under the Explosive Arms Act and Arms Act. But only a charge of drug possession under the Narcotic, Drug and Psychotropic Substance (NDPS) Act was proven.

The three were to be deported to Pakistan on completion of their sentence, but Delhi police have now filed a fresh case against the trio for violating a restraining order under the Foreigners Act.


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