Bengaluru, Nov 24: In a video that lasts about 45 seconds, a group of women can be heard shouting for help. Passers-by ignore them; some of the men who pass can be seen smiling.
The video was shot on a cellphone by one of five women who had gone out for dinner last night and stopped at an ice cream parlour in the heart of the city at about 11.30 pm.
A group of men who cannot be seen in the video allegedly harassed the women and passed lewd comments. One of the men threatened to smash open the windows if they were not rolled down by the women, according to a police complaint.
The women then phoned their husbands for help.
"I have not seen the video footage. Investigation is on. Certain section have been invoked like stalking and criminal intimidation and outraging the modesty of women. Let the investigation take place," said M N Reddi, Police Commissioner.