Bengaluru, April 01, 2015: The Bengaluru police on Wednesday detained the accused Mahesh in the PU student murder case. Gauthami, an 18-year-old girl was allegedly gunned down by Mahesh, an attender in a private college.
On Tuesday night, Mahesh is said to have barged into the hostel room on the third floor in which the two girls, studying second year Pre-University course (standard 12) in Pragathi college at Kadugodi, on city outskirts, and fired, killing Gautami instantly and injuring her friend Sirisha, Bengaluru Police Commissioner M N Reddi told reporters.
Gauthami and Sirisha hailed from Pavagada in Tumkur district while Mahesh is a native of Agumbe in Shivamogga.
Though there are reports that Mahesh was very close to Gauthami, the police investigating the case claimed that there was no relationship between Gauthami and Mahesh.
The injured girl is "out of danger" and is being treated at a private hospital here, he said.
Reddi said the attender working with the institution for the last two years was absconding and the motive behind the killing was not yet known.
Describing it as "an unfortunate incident", Home Minister K J George, who visited the college, said the two students were at the hostel last night when the attender "shot at one girl and has killed her."