mangalore today
Wednesday, September 25


Big threat to my life from Iran: Donald Trump says entire US Military watching

Mangalore Today News Network

United State, September 25, 2024: Former US President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that his life was under “big threat from Iran”. The development came after US intelligence agencies briefed Trump on the “real and specific” threat to his life allegedly from Iran to allegedly “sow chaos” in the country.

“Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire US Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before,” Trump said in a post on X.


He further thanked the US Congress for allocating more budget to the Secret Service without any opposition. “Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to the Secret Service – Zero “NO” Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!” he added in the post.

The statement came after two apparent assassination attempts have already been made on the life of the 78-year-old Republican presidential candidate.

US Intelligence Warns Trump

Donald Trump has been briefed by US intelligence on threats from Iran to assassinate him, his campaign informed.

“President Trump was briefed earlier today by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him to destabilise and sow chaos in the United States,” Steven Cheung, Trump’s Campaign communications director said late on Tuesday night.

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