Aligarh, November 20 2018: A seven-year-old boy was slapped, punched and hit with shoes by his tuition teacher in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh. The incident was caught on CCTV installed at the victim’s residence. A police case has been registered, with a search operation launched to nab the accused, reports said on Monday.
In the five-minute CCTV footage accessed by the police, they found the teacher pulling the child by his hairs and ear, and slapping him multiple times. The Class 2 student was then punched on his back and thrashed with shoes by the enraged teacher.
Shortly after the torture, the tutor asked the crying boy to smile and have a glass of water.
The incident was reported to the police on November 15 after the victim’s parents noticed black and blue marks on their child -- as parts of his face and body had swelled due to the inhumane beating.
Superintendent of Police (Crime) Ashutosh Dwivedi, while speaking to reporters, said efforts are underway to locate the teacher and take stringent action against him. The senior official was firm on securing strict punishment for the accused as they have solid video evidence of the assault.