Bengaluru, Nov 10, 2022: Actor-comedian Vir Das’s Bengaluru show, which was scheduled for November 11, has been cancelled after protests by a Hindu group. The show was cancelled after the right-wing group, Hindu Janajagruthi Samiti (HJS), raised objections.
The right-wing organisation had filed a police complaint on Monday against Das, opposing his upcoming show in Bengaluru, alleging that he insults the Hindu religion.
The show was scheduled to be held at the Chowdiah Memorial Hall in Malleshwaram.
The HJS had earlier filed a complaint, demanding the cancellation of the stand-up comedian’s show, alleging that the comedian’s show hurts the religious sentiments of Hindus and shows India in a bad light. "It is not right to allow such a controversial person to hold such a program in a communally sensitive area like Bangalore. When Karnataka is already facing many law and order problems due to communal incidents, such events could vitiate law and order," the group wrote in the complaint.
Comedian Vir Das had courted controversy over a monologue he delivered as part of his performance in the US, with many on social media calling him out for "insulting India".
Vir Das uploaded a video on YouTube titled "I come from two Indias". The monologue in the video was part of his performance at the John F Kennedy Centre in Washington DC.
Courtesy: India Today