Bengaluru, July 31, 2024: Actor Darshan, who is jailed in the Renukaswamy murder case, has again moved the high court seeking directions to the prison authorities to provide access to/procure home cooked/outside food and bedding.
The actor has challenged the July 25, 2024 order passed by the 24th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Court.
The ACMM court had rejected his application seeking these facilities. The trial court had stated that Rule 728 of the Karnataka Prisons and Correctional Services Manual 2021 clearly prohibits permitting clothing, bedding, footwear, eating and drinking vessels, like plates, spoons, cups and religious emblems, to undertrial prisoners in murder cases.
The court had also cited the report submitted by the chief medical officer stating that the prision authorities are providig him nutritional food to him.
In the fresh petition before the high court, it is claimed that the report of the chief medical officer also states that the actor is being treated for severe back pain and viral fever, weakness and has been advised bed rest as well as nutritious food.