mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Dead British girl saves eight lives through organ donation

Mangaloretoday/ CNN-IBN

London, May 11: A young British schoolgirl, who had died just at the age of 13 has saved eight people’s lives by opting to donate her vital organs. Jemima Layzell, who died due to a brain haemorrhage, had always wished to donate organs and save precious lives.

Five children and three adults have received life-saving transplants and Jemima’s eye tissue has helped restore the vision of two other needy people.

In addition, two adults aged 19 and 24 received her kidneys and a 40 year old man has now her pancreas.


UK girl -Organ donation

"She has left a lasting legacy and example," Her photographer father Harvey and mother Sophy told The Sun. "She had spoken of her wish to be an organ donor when she died. It is so sad and we all miss her terribly," they said.

In addition two adults aged 19 and 24 received her kidneys and a 40 year old man has her pancreas. The little budding author Jemima had collapsed at home in Somerset, while preparing for the celebrations of her mother’s birthday.

Jemima died in hospital four days later due to excessive bleeding in her brain, leaving behind many poems, songs, stories and also serious thoughts about her life and the world’s problems and delights.

Her parents describe Jemima as a clever, funny, compassionate and creative girl who thought about and discussed death.

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