Bengaluru, May 19: A 46-year-old woman from New Delhi living in Bengaluru for the last five years was found murdered at her residence at Chikka Gubbi near Kothanur in East Bengaluru on Wednesday morning. The victim was identified as Kiran Singh. She was found dead at her home at around 7.30 am by her domestic help.
Police suspect the murder to have been carried out by someone known to the victim since there were no signs of forced entry into the residence. The victim was found dead in the kitchen of the house with her hands and legs tied.
``There was no forcible entry into the house. The valuables at the house seem to be intact but we are not ruling out the possibilities of it being a murder for gain,’’ DCP of the region P S Harsha said. Police are awaiting the arrival of relatives of the victim to gather more details about her. Singh separated from her husband a few years ago and had obtained a divorce, police said.