New Delhi, Apr 26, 2018: When users wrote "india first pm" on Google search bar on Wednesday, they were in for a surprise. The first result that showed up was a Wikipedia link of "List of Prime Ministers of India" and while the key search box showed the name and information about India’s first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru, the photo was that of current Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The screenshot was flagged to Google by users on Twitter.
"Type ’India first pm’ in google and result is Mr.Narendra Modi’s photo instead of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. @Google Pls correct it.. How come you also fell in the trap of Mr.Modi?," tweeted a user.
After the error was pointed out, Google took down the picture of PM Narendra Modi on Thursday and currently, the search result on typing "india first pm" doesn’t show any image.
Interestingly, when one types "india first pm" as query on search engine Bing the result is exactly opposite. The top result shows the picture of India’s first Prime Minister Jawahar lal Nehru, but captioned Narendra Modi. The error was not fixed till the time this copy was written.
While what appeared to be a technical glitch on search engine Google and has been fixed, Twitter users had a field day and posted quirky messages on the micro-blogging platform. Some also blamed Wikipedia and the search engine Bing for the goof-up.
Courtesy: NDTV