Bengaluru, Aug 14 2017 DH: The wake of the Gorakhpur Tragedy, where over 70 children died due a lack of oxygen supply, has left a big spot on the record of the state. Nearly all parties involved are being accused by someone or the other, and even the state government isn’t being spared, with the opposition parties demanding the resignation of the CM, Yogi Adityanath.
But among these big details ever-trickling from the BRD medical college, where the incident took place, one new development has occured: The ’Hero’ doctor, Dr. Kafil Khan, who bought 3 oxygen cylinders from his own pockets has been sacked as the nodal officer of the encephalitis ward of the hospital.
Dismissing the need of the oxygen clinders that Kafil Khan carried on his bicycle to the hospital, the Director General, medical education, BRD Medical college, KK Gupta, said that the hospital had an adequate supply of reserve oxygen tanks and more were not needed.
"When we already had 52 cylinders in the hospital on the night of August 10 then what was the need to manage three cylinders from outside. The question arises why did he do it?" said Dr. Gupta, adding that "Medical College did not declare him a hero. It was all created by media."
However, while Kafil Khan has been removed as the nodal officer of the ward, he will be continuing as a doctor in the hospital. He is also being accused of running a private medical service despite being employed by a government-run institution, an act which was verbally banned by Yogi Adityanath.
Speaking to The Times of India, Dr. Khan termed the accusation and the removal from the post as a ’smear campaign’, saying he did everything he could to help the children, including getting in touch with oxygen suppliers for the cylinders and ensuring prompt service to patients.