New Delhi, Feb 19: In a heart-wrenching incident, a 30-year-old man who was to get married in evening died after being hit by an express train on the same morning. The deceased identified as Naresh Pal Gangwar was an engineer by profession. He was reportedly talking on phone and texting on another while crossing the railway track at Nandosi village in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh.
Eyewitness said that the Gangwar did not see the Rajya Rani Express heading towards him as he was busy on two mobile phones. The information that he was crushed under train came at 9 AM when his family were busy in last-minute preparations for the wedding.
Speaking to TOI, Veeresh Gangwar, brother-in-law of Naresh, said that the family is in complete shock as they never expected that such tragedy could happen on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. “His fiancée is inconsolable,” he added.
Superintendent of police (SP), Bareilly city, Rohit Singh Sajwan said that the initial investigation has revealed that it is a case of accident and not suicide. “The body has been sent for post-mortem examination and we are awaiting the report,” Sajwan informed the daily.