Mumbai, April 23, 2022: Shiv Sena workers protested outside the residence of Amravati MP Navneet Rana in Mumbai and broke barricades amid the row over Hanuman Chalisa. The Sena workers also threatened the Ranas with dire consequences if they chanted Hanuman Chalisa outside ’Matoshree’, the private residence of Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray.
Mumbai Police on Friday, April 22, served a notice to MP Navneet Rana and her husband MLA Ravi Rana after the couple said that they would recite Hanuman Chalisa outside Matoshree.
#WATCH Maharashtra | Shiv Sena workers protest outside the residence of Amravati MP Navneet Rana in Mumbai
— ANI (@ANI) April 23, 2022
She along with her husband, Ravi Rana, an independent MLA from Badnera, plan to chant the Hanuman Chalisa outside ’Matoshree’, the private residence of CM Uddhav Thackeray
The couple was sent the notice under Section 149 of the Code of Criminal Procedure that allows the police to take steps to prevent cognisable offences.
The Ranas arrived in Mumbai on Friday morning. Since then, Shiv Sena workers have gathered at various locations in Mumbai, including Matoshree, daring the Rana couple to venture near Matoshree.
According to the police, the couple was staying at their Khar residence. DCP of Zone 9 Manjunath Shenge served the notice to the couple to prevent a law-and-order issue. Police said that the couple will be held responsible if the law-and-order situation is disturbed.
Courtesy: India Today