Kanpur, Sep 06, 2016: In a shocking incident, a 18-day-old infant was thrown by a woman from the balcony of second floor of a hospital in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur area..
Notably, what’s disturbing is that the woman, was none other than the aunt of the baby.
The entire incident was captured on CCTV camera installed in the hospital premises.
It is being said that the aunt was jealous as her sister-in-law had given birth to a baby boy, while she had three daughters.
Fortunately, the new born survived as he didn’t fell on the ground but got stuck on a net.
When the family was not able to trace the child for long, they contacted the administration. The staff acted swiftly and ward boy noticed the 18 days old baby lying on the net.
He rushed to the help and saved the baby. However, the ward boy fractured his leg in the process.
Later, the hospital authorities checked the CCTV footage and found that the aunt of the baby had committed the heinous crime.
Police have arrested the woman.