Lucknow, May 25 2017: In a shocking incident, a group of bandits allegedly gang raped four women of a family, killed one of the members, when he protested, and looted cash and valuables on the Yamuna Expressway in Uttar Pradesh’s Gautam Buddh Nagar (Greater Noida) district, about 70 kilometres from Delhi, on Wednesday night.
The incident occurred near Sabauta village in the district around midnight, when the family was on way to Bulandshahar to see an ailing relative by a van.
The police said that the family members were assaulted and looted and also that one of the members was shot dead. They said that the women would be sent for medical examination to ascertain if they were gang raped.
Police officials said that the bandits had fired at one of the tyres of the vehicle forcing the driver to stop it. The bandits, who numbered around six, took the family, consisting of four women, two men and two children, away from the highway and looted cash and valuables besides shooting one of the men dead, when he protested.
The victims said that the bandits were armed with pistol and knives and they gang raped the women. ’’One of the men was shot dead, when he asked the bandits not to harass the women,’’ said a family member. The women have been admitted to hospital, police said.
Police said that a case had been registered and a massive hunt had been launched to nab the culprits. ’’We have launched a hunt to nab the offenders...the victims told us that they seemed to be locals,’’ said a police official in the district.
Former UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav slammed the BJP government for failing to ensure safety of women.
In July last year also a group of bandits had gang-raped a woman and her 13-year-old daughter at gunpoint after dragging them out of their car in Bulandshahar on NH-91, when they were travelling with their family from Noida to Shahjahanpur.
This is appalling, how are people getting away with these acts, don’t they have shame. the number if gang rape reports that are presented have treated it as some casual affair!!!