Hyderabad, Mar 17, 2016: Two young children, 8-year-old Ashwika and her 3-year-old sister Awishka, were murdered in their home in Hyderabad allegedly by their mother, who has been arrested.
Last evening, their father Vinay Chutke returned home from his gift shop in Begumpet at 9:45 pm and reportedly found the main door of his home left ajar and his wife missing.
He found his daughters under the bed and in the bathroom, covered in blood.
After Mr Chutke called the police, the children’s mother Rajini was found at the Hussainsagar Lake. She had reportedly attempted suicide.
The mother has reportedly told the police that she suspected her daughters were being abused by her husband. She has reportedly claimed that her older daughter would quiver with fear in the presence of her father. The couple had reportedly fought bitterly over the last week.
The police say there is no evidence so far of the alleged abuse. The couple had recently shifted to Hyderabad from Maharashtra.